SmartChoice II High Efficiency Water Softener

The High-Efficiency SmartChoice™ II water softener can reduce salt and water usage by 50% and requires less electricity upon regeneration. Advanced electronics provide extensive information about water usage and can even help identify plumbing leaks or other water wasters. With our easy-to-read screens with low salt and service alerts provide information on system malfunction so you can take the right steps to make it right.

Standard: City water homes with 1-4 people, or low iron well water

Large: City water homes with 5-6 people, or medium iron well water





Purchasable Add-ons
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Wi-Fi $200

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Customers frequently ask

What's the difference between hard and soft water?

Is softened water safe to drink?

Do I have to buy salt for my water softener?

How do I choose the right water softener for my home?

How long does a water softener last?

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