The Most Common Plumbing and HVAC Issues (and How to Avoid Them)
January 10, 2025
My wife Kate and I recently went through our tiny town home in preparation for a garage sale. I love garage sales! Sure I make a few bucks selling the...
July 12, 2017
My wife Kate and I recently went through our tiny town home in preparation for a garage sale. I love garage sales! Sure I make a few bucks selling the "stuff" I acquire through the years but for some strange reason I enjoy when other people find value in my "old stuff".I am reading a #1 New York Times Best Seller called "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up: The Japanese art of De-cluttering and Organizing". The book is written by Mari Kondo (I'll put a link at the end of the article). I would highly recommend it reading it. One of the many topics of interest to me is deciding what to keep and what to get rid of. Kondo calls for you to pick up each item and ask yourself if it sparks joy. If it doesn't bring me joy its time to get rid of it.I am not about to attempt explaining any further as I am certain doing so would do no justice to the "KonMari" method. "Isn't this blog supposed to be about water Jeff"? I'm almost there. I think it's fair to say most people would prefer a job they enjoy. I want to have a career where I make a positive difference in the lives of the people I connect with each day. I want what I do to bring joy to others and also to me. So I had to ask myself when deciding if I wanted to be in the water treatment industry if I could help people solve problems and give them value and also if it would bring me joy (and hopefully enough money to support my family).I visited a customer last month that called into the office because she had an old water softener that didn't seem to be working properly.Article content. Here is some placeholder text to fill up the space temporarily. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, te nostro oporteat atomorum duo, mei eu impedit singulis. Pro nulla possim vituperatoribus ei, apeirian scriptorem necessitatibus duo cu. Ius primis mucius feugait at, fastidii theophrastus ius ad, cu mel mollis ponderum moderatius. Sea an oratio essent maiestatis, ius id wisi recusabo scriptorem. Ne doctus conceptam pri.Territory ManagerPhone: (763) 233-9462jsoltau@finkens.comJeff Soltau is originally from Monticello, Minnesota and is a Territory Manager for Finken Water Solutions. He enjoys listening to people, and helping them solve problems while serving his community. He earned a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from St. Cloud State University and is currently studying to become a certified water specialist through the Water Quality Association. Jeff is married to his wife Kate.